Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What are art, craft, and design?

            Until this assignment I have never really thought of the difference between art, craft, and design.  In my opinion the three are all in the same family; however, they can be very different.  All three have elements of creativity and purpose, but they each have a different approach.  Art is a process in which a product or piece is created to appeal to others senses.  The next term is craft, which is a trade or skill learned to create an object that has a specific purpose, such as a chair or table.  Finally, design is the act of creating a product that is used commercially.  Although all three use creativity and artistic ability to execute the finished product, there are many differences too.   Yet each must work together to create a cohesive piece of work. 
             One major difference between art, craft, and design is that each has its own way of executing the finished product.  For instance, art is free and aside from very basic rules artwork can be created in any way.  On the other hand, craft is very precise and takes skills and dexterity.  Lastly, design while also very precise is well planned and thought out.  Another difference between the three is that art is usually created to convey thoughts, feelings, or express ones views on a particular subject.  Craft differs in this way because it is not used to express any feelings; it is used to make a product that is used.  Finally design is unlike art and craft because it is used to persuade an audience or with a very specific purpose. 
            In many ways I believe that art, craft, and design must work together to create a something.  A successful piece of artwork cannot be created unless design is used to plan out the piece and craft is used to create the piece with a skill.  This is also true for craft and design because if an individual wishes to create a design or use a craft they must be artistic in some way.  A well-rounded artist must utilize all three skills to produce artwork that can be appreciated. 
            In conclusion, art, craft, and design are very much a unit that works together to make successful products.  Art is free, expressive of feelings, and can be used to inspire others.  In contrast, craft is more specific in the finished product that will be used for a specific use.  Finally, design is used to create products that can be used commercially.  All three of these terms must work together to produce a great piece of work whether it is a painting, a chair, or a magazine advertisement.  

1 comment:

  1. Bravo my lovely arteeest! I love the background on here amanda! It looks great!
    <3 kelly


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